Copyright© Northumberland & Durham Caledonian Society.| Click to contact Webmaster Site Updated 13/01/2025 05:20
Hello Everyone,
As President, it gives me great pleasure to take our Society into it’s 101st year.
With your support and my commitment I am sure we will continue to have a great time ahead!
I look forward to welcoming you to our events.
My contact details are here and and I am just a “phone call” away and enjoy chatting.
Take care and regards.
Julie Crystal
Scottish Country dance classes are held in the Britannia Airport Hotel on Mondays from 7:15–9:15 PM.
It is a very friendly and informal evening so if you want to give it a try, come along and have a go!
For prospective new members your first class is FREE! Classes are Normally held on the first and third Monday in the month.